2,049 research outputs found

    The Divine Liturgy as Mystical Experience

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    Most characterizations of mystical experience emphasize its private, esoteric, and non-sensory nature. Such an understanding is far removed from the original meaning of the term mystikos. For the ancient Greeks, the ”mystical’ was that which led participants into the awareness of a higher reality, as in the initiatory rites of the ancient mystery cults. This usage was taken over by the early Church, which similarly designated the Christian sacraments and their rites as ”mystical’ because they draw participants into a higher level of reality. I argue that the Divine Liturgy is a form of ”mystical experience’ in this sense, and that philosophers have missed a great deal by excluding such communal acts from the scope of mystical experience

    Chiral separation and twin-beam photonics

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    It is well-known that, in a homogeneous fluid medium, most optical means that afford discrimination between molecules of opposite handedness are intrinsically weak effects. The reason is simple: the wide variety of origins for differential response commonly feature real or virtual electronic transitions that break a parity condition. Despite being electric dipole allowed, they manifest the chirality of the material in which they occur by breaking a selection rule that would otherwise preclude the simultaneous involvement of magnetic dipole or electric quadrupole forms of coupling. Although the latter are typically weaker than electric dipole effects by several orders of magnitude, it is the involvement of these weak forms of interaction that are responsible for chiral sensitivity. There have been a number of attempts to cleverly exploit novel optical configurations to enhance the relative magnitude – and hence potentially the efficiency – of chiral discrimination. The prospect of success in any such venture is enticing, because of the huge impact that such an advance might be expected to have in the health, food and medical sectors. Some of these proposals have utilized mirror reflection, and others surface plasmon coupling, or optical binding methods. Several recent works in the literature have drawn attention to a further possibility: the deployment of optical beam interference as a means to achieve chiral separations of sizeable extent. In this paper the underlying theory is fully developed to identify the true scope and limitations of such an approach

    Optical control of excited-state lifetimes

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    Electronic excitation of particles in fluorescent materials can now be controlled using laser-assisted energy-transfer techniques

    Advanced electrodynamic mechanisms for the nanoscale control of light by light

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    The laser-induced intermolecular force that exists between two or more particles subjected to a moderately intense laser beam is termed ‘optical binding’. Completely distinct from the single-particle forces that give rise to optical trapping, the phenomenon of optical binding is a manifestation of the coupling between optically induced dipole moments in neutral particles. In conjunction with optical trapping, the optomechanical forces in optical binding afford means for the manipulation and fabrication of optically bound matter. The Casimir-Polder potential that is intrinsic to all matter can be overridden by the optical binding force in cases where the laser beam is of sufficient intensity. Chiral discrimination can arise when the laser input has a circular polarization, if the particles are themselves chiral. Then, it emerges that the interaction between particles with a particular handedness is responsive to the left- or right-handedness of the light. The present analysis, which expands upon previous studies of chiral discrimination in optical binding, identifies a novel mechanism that others have previously overlooked, signifying that the discriminatory effect is much more prominent than originally thought. The new theory leads to results for freely-tumbling chiral particles subjected to circularly polarized light. Rigorous conditions are established for the energy shifts to be non-zero and display discriminatory effects with respect to the handedness of the incident beam. Detailed calculations indicate that the energy shift is larger than those previously reported by three orders of magnitude

    Optical forces between dielectric nanoparticles in an optical vortex

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    We report a study on the optical forces between a pair of dielectric particles, based on quantum electrodynamics. At a fundamental level these forces result from a stimulated scattering process which entails a virtual photon relay between the two particles. Results for a variety of systems are secured from a completely general analysis that accommodates a system with arbitrary dielectric properties (with regard to shape, frequency response etc.) in an optical field of arbitrary complexity. Specific results are obtained and exhibited for: (a) optical forces between nanoparticles, and specifically between carbon nanotubes; (b) the effects of optical ordering, clustering and trapping associated with twisted (Laguerre-Gaussian) laser beams

    Discriminatory effects in the optical binding of chiral nanoparticles

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    The laser-induced intermolecular force that exists between two or more particles subjected to a moderately intense laser beam is termed ‘optical binding’. Completely distinct from the single-particle forces that give rise to optical trapping, the phenomenon of optical binding is a manifestation of the coupling between optically induced dipole moments in neutral particles. In conjunction with optical trapping, the optomechanical forces in optical binding afford means for the manipulation and fabrication of optically bound matter. The Casimir-Polder potential that is intrinsic to all matter can be overridden by the optical binding force in cases where the laser beam is of sufficient intensity. Chiral discrimination can arise when the laser input has a circular polarization, if the particles are themselves chiral. Then, it emerges that the interaction between particles with a particular handedness is responsive to the left- or right handedness of the light. The present analysis, which expands upon previous studies of chiral discrimination in optical binding, identifies a novel mechanism that others have previously overlooked, signifying that the discriminatory effect is much more prominent than originally thought. The new theory leads to results for freely-tumbling chiral particles subjected to circularly polarized light. Rigorous conditions are established for the energy shifts to be non-zero and display discriminatory effects with respect to the handedness of the incident beam. Detailed calculations indicate that the energy shift is larger than those previously reported by three orders of magnitude

    Near-field manipulation of interparticle forces through resonant absorption, optical binding, and dispersion forces

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    The relative motions of two or more neutral particles, subject to optical trapping forces within a beam, are influenced by intrinsic inter-particle forces. The fundamental character of such forces is well-known and usually derives from dispersion interactions. However, the throughput of moderately intense (off-resonant) laser light can significantly modify the form and magnitude of these intrinsic forces. This optical binding effect is distinct from the optomechanical interactions involved in optical tweezers, and corresponds to a stimulated (pairwise) forward-scattering mechanism. In recent years, attention has begun to focus on optical binding effects at sub-micron and molecular dimensions. At this nanoscale, further manipulation of the interparticle forces is conceivable on the promotion of optically bound molecules to an electronic excited state. It is determined that such excitation may influence the intrinsic dispersion interaction without continued throughput of the laser beam, i.e. independent of any optical binding. Nevertheless, the forwardscattering mechanism is also affected by the initial excitation, so that both the optical binding and dispersion forces can be manipulated on input of the electromagnetic radiation. In addition, the rate of initial excitation of either molecule (or any energy transfer between them) may be influenced by an off-resonant input beam which, thus, acts as an additional actor in the modification of the interparticle force. A possible experimental set-up is proposed to enable the measurement of such changes in the interparticle coupling. © (2013) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)

    Challenges concerning the discriminatory optical force for chiral molecules

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    In response to arXiv:1506.07423v1 we discuss the authors work, and our own, on proposed schemes aiming to achieve a discriminatory optical force for chiral molecules

    Virtual photons, dipole fields and energy transfer: a quantum electrodynamical approach

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    Dipole emission mechanisms for energy transfer operate in many important areas of photophysics. A straightforward analysis based on quantum electrodynamics not only reveals the entanglement of mechanisms usually regarded as 'radiative' and 'radiationless'; it also gives significant physical insights into a host of topics in electromagnetism. These include: the designation of real and virtual photons; propagating and non-propagating character in electromagnetic fields; near-zone and wave-zone effects; transverse and longitudinal character; the effects of retardation; the relation between couplings of static and transition dipoles, and manifestations of quantum uncertainty. A simple extension of the theory to accommodate magnetic dipole as well as electric dipole transitions furthermore reveals key differences between the range dependences of the magnetic and electric fields produced by dipolar emission. With important technological applications, this lesson in advanced physics showpieces the interplay of principles associated with quantum mechanics, electromagnetism and photophysics

    Electronic coupling mechanisms and characteristics for optically nonlinear photoactive nanomaterials

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    In a range of nanophotonic energy harvesting materials, resonance energy transfer (RET) is the mechanism for the intermolecular and intramolecular transfer of electronic excitation following the absorption of ultraviolet/visible radiation. In the nonlinear intensity regime, suitably designed materials can exhibit two quite different types of mechanism for channeling the excitation energy to an acceptor that is optically transparent at the input frequency. Both mechanisms are associated with two-photon optical excitation - of either a single donor, or a pair of donor chromophores, located close to the acceptor. In the former case the mechanism is two-photon resonance energy transfer, initiated by two-photon absorption at a donor, and followed by RET directly to the acceptor. The probability for fulfilling the initial conditions for this mechanism (for the donors to exhibit two-photon absorption) is enhanced at high levels of optical input. In the latter twin-donor mechanism, following initial one-photon excitations of two electronically distinct donors, energy pooling results in a collective channeling of their energy to an acceptor chromophore. This mechanism also becomes effective under high intensity conditions due to the enhanced probability of exciting donor chromophores within close proximity of each other and the acceptor. In this paper we describe the detailed balance of factors that determines the favored mechanism for these forms of optical nonlinearity, especially electronic factors. Attention is focused on dendrimeric nanostar materials with a propensity for optical nonlinearity